Integration Dream 6: A silk cocoon for a fragile heart

Dream Record:

A relative named Carly was known for celebrating, dancing, but she died of a broken heart. Something about her not being respected. She was in a body bag of silk. There was a purple sweater involved.


Jennifer C. Clemente, 2/2/2023


I have no direct relatives with this name but it is the name of my half sister's mother. The name has come up a lot in conversation in the past six months since meeting my co-worker's girlfriend who also has this name. I almost dismissed this dream as too incomplete to work with, but it continues to gnaw at me.

Initial Interpretation:

Holding a quality of freedom close, maybe feeling into this quality and creating a cocoon like structure to nurture. What qualities need to die off for this state of liberation to be experienced? What can I learn from Carly's life experience? What is she trying to tell us?

Conscious Concerns:

During this part of the week I was cherishing my alone time and freedom to move about my space as I wanted, and to  hold my emotions close to myself, not having to share anything or communicate with anyone. Being trapped inside during an ice storm, felt like  like a state of being immobile. I considered the security of my job and how much of it is keeping me safe. This was in contrast to feeling the celebration of a potential new path and the invigoration of new fields of study. 

Key Words and Symbols:

Relative: Relational, something close to me, but not me.

Carly: Means "free woman". My half-sister's mother was named Carly. I always wondered about the state of her heart while married to my father. 

Not being respected: Something taken away, some aspect of the self not honored.

Purple sweater: The color purple covering the heart area. On Jan. 23, I dreamed I was wearing purple jeans (2nd chakra). Here again, the color relates to a part of the body, but is located at the 4th chakra.

Silk body bag: Cocoon, precious, protective, remaining still and stabile. 


I am addressing an aspect of self expressed through Marla's mother -- it appears to be related to a need for emancipation, liberation or freedom, or perhaps addressing a fragile heart. There's a part about remembrance, to celebrate and dance to help energize and strengthen the heart/heart chakra. There was an aspect of death and cocooning, maybe reminding myself of the precious quality of rest and stability. 
