Dream Seven: Anchoring the Heart

Dream Record:

I'm stuck renting that house, the one that has that haunted place or feel in the upstairs quadrant. I was alone in there and I was supposed to be cleaning it up. I was going into the rooms and gathering old laundry. I went to the toilet and it was unstable and I filled it up but couldn't flush it and I was trying to clean up and realized there was another roommate there. He came down to talk to me. He lives in the side room and was talking about how the stairs, or something in the stairs, or under the stairs were haunted and they needed help. went into the bathroom in his room and there was a lot of other peoples stuff. 

I tried to call the landlord but I couldn't figure out how to call him to help with the toilet. The guy who was living there was friendly and was having problems with his computer. And there was a message about runoff from conflict that sits in the system.

I went outside or looked out the window to get a different perspective on the house and I looked up to see if I could see any ghosts or anything upstairs in the haunted part. But I didn't see anything. The house itself was a rusty red, like blood and it was covered in vines like veins with a cluster of plants like nodes. 

Signature: Jennifer C. Clemente, February 8, 2023


I woke up thinking about the part about the "runoff"and the idea of synovial fluid which reduces friction between cartilage in the joints. I was also thinking that the house might have represented the heart. I consulted with somebody today who told me to put the heart in the belly. She also asked me if the healing work/clearing work is something I can do myself or do I need somebody to help me?

Initial Interpretation:

Given this is a re-occurring dream, I'm noting what's changed. The house is usually the same and needs a lot of cleaning up. Usually, I'm too afraid to really look upstairs to the haunted area. In this instance, somebody identified the problem and where it was. I realized I needed help, which is a big step. I'm still not sure how to get it, but the dream seems to indicate that I’m trying to get help clearing space for a transition.

Conscious Concerns:

I had just done therapy the night before, where I went deep, but didn't do any reprogramming work in the Theta stage (which the therapist later advised me to do). I'm still integrating my group experience, so some of the group members from my trip showed up figuratively in my journey as helpers/sitters. I pulled tarot cards shortly after, which left me calling out for assistance in their interpretation, and or asking again for the High Priestess to show up as my dream oracle. In a related dream this week, I did encounter a woman who resembled her, and she was showing me one leg of a house that had come loose, like a tent pole. 

Key Words and Symbols

Stuck: Immobile, sitting with a problem that I can't fix.

House: Where consciousness lives; the body

Haunted: Negative stuck energy

Stairs: Central Nervous System/Spine

Bathroom: Place of transition

Old laundry: Old aspects of self

Landlord: Somebody with authority

Friendly roommate: A helper

Flush: Get rid of

Toilet: Disposal 

Runoff: Draining away of sediment, waste

Rusty Red: Blood

Gnarled Vines: Veins and Arteries


I'm preparing for a challenging life transition that will require a radical cleaning and clearing of the central nervous and circulatory systems. Something under the surface needs help and I need assistance with it, as I can't clear it alone.

Further investigation:

Explore vibrational medicine/sound healing

Another image in this series captured from AI features yellow butterflies and ad blue cat.

This photograph of an art piece seen at the Austin Airport on February 11 is titled "Anchor Your Heart". Again, a yellow butterfly and a staircase. The number 8 has significance as 8 was called out in another dream, which I interpreted as the number of weeks, taking me to the first week of April. 

*Unless stated, all images in this blog generated by Dream.AI
