Integration Dream 5: The High Priestess Dream Oracle

Dream Record

I was reading an analysis of a story about a medicine circle that was busted in Andalusia, Spain. The couple implicated were described as a man, who was partially Native American, and a "white" woman, who was not. There was some judgment about her being non-native, as if she wasn't as legitimate as the man with native ancestry. Something came up the high priestess. In the analysis of the case, they had only broken the law because they expressed guilt. I could see the woman's face. It was very distinctive and I could recognize her in a crowd. I don't know if this was the "guilty" woman or the high priestess herself. She was caucasian, almost Nordic. She had thin, straight, light blonde hair pulled back, a finely wrinkled face and piercing blue eyes. I would guess she was in her early 60s. 

Fragment 2: I was at Lewis and Clark college trying to find out if I had enough credits to graduate. I was sitting in a lecture hall reading a book about religious studies and wanted to know if I could graduate early. I found the registrar, which was tricky to find, and went to the desk. The woman there kept getting my name wrong, almost intentionally messing up the spelling of my last name.  Finally, she confirmed  I had enough credits to graduate and I could finish early. I found myself surprised I made it because in past dreams, I hadn't gone to the classes or I hadn't written the papers.

The focus on my studies was religious studies and I had two books that were the same: one was a smaller version than the other, but the same book about religion. I would be graduating at the end of winter semester, and was thinking about what I would be doing for the rest of the school year. I was deciding between maybe pay for extra classes, or stick around Portland and do an internship in my field, or if I was going to go back to work somewhere. 

Even after finding out I had enough credits, I was back in reoccurring dream scene regarding trying to find a locker that all students have. I had been away for awhile (away from the dream), and I wasn't sure how to get back in as I didn't have the key or passcode/combination. That part I was feeling stuck on. It seemed as if I was going to need to get into this locker to get some paperwork, and it was a determinate of my status at LC. 

I found myself in Portland but on a bridge trying to get to the college but I couldn't find my way back so I asked a bus driver/cop and he hugged me. He was trying to tell me the directions to go LC but I ended up on his bus going the other way.

Signature: Jennifer C. Clemente


Fragment 1: 

I woke up realizing it was in response to a question I brought into my dream world. I had read a story about this medicine circle bust few weeks ago. When I re-read the story, I found myself drawn to how biased and judgmental it was, citing two random deaths from Ayahuasca in this article, that had no connection to the incident, plus calling out the amount charged for the retreat (as if it was extravagant or exploitative, which it was not).

Noting I also had pulled the high priestess card in a recent Tarot reading. When I woke up, I thought through specific thoughts of ways to avoid feeling involved in scenario, of which I have no involvement. 

Fragment 2: Which way do I go now? 

I was referring to past dreams where I wasn't sure if I had passed the course because I couldn't get to my classes, or had completed the assignments (written the papers). This dream suggested some time had passed between the former dreams and this whereby something was completed without my knowing and I had met the requirements, done the work, ect. 

Initial Interpretation:

I am paying attention to my dreams and being guided to listen to my intuition. I applied judgement and analysis to the story about the couple in Andalusia in the dream. Upon waking up, I went through this article and dissected it for bias and propaganda. This might show that the line between the dream world and waking world are becoming less defined, or that I'm dreaming a mental process into reality.

I am anticipating a completion of my Vital course and feeling into what I might want to do next. Is my vocation going to be related to religious studies, or contextualizing a spiritual practice in the framework of a church (religious studies)?

Conscious Concerns:

I've been looking for guidance and requested the presence of a dream oracle using invocation that was suggested by Robert Moss in the Art of Dream Divination Course:

May my doors and gates and paths be open

and my doors and gates and paths between the worlds

and may the doors and gates and paths of any who wish to do me,or those I love,any harm,be closed.

May it be so!

The night before this dream I was listening to a podcast about entheogenic churches and after this         dream, was thinking a lot about how this model could apply in Europe to help remove the grey zone. 

Key Words and Symbols:

Analysis - Looking deeper at something 

Medicine Circle - A community container of transformational work.

Andalusia - Feudal system. Crossroads of continents, religions and culture.  

Part native American - 

White woman


          Wasn't sure: Still having doubt about what's real and what's an archetype

The High Priestess: Balance of divine masculine and feminine Intuition and connection to the dream world. 

Religious studies - An area of study I started in college with Hinduism and Buddhism

Registrar - A place of record

          Last name wrong - Fear of being mislabeled, or not having recorded correctly.

          Graduating at end of winter semester:  Time frame for finishing Vital
          Deciding - Evaluating choices

          One book that's smaller than the other - Tibetan Book of the Dead


I'm being guided to apply judgement or new criteria to uncertain situations (travel, property purchase, next step in career or study). There's something concerning feelings of guilt that I'm unsure about.  Is it about learning the connection between feeling guilty and being punished? Does removing guilt from the psyche change the outcome of a verdict?

Revisiting an old dream whereby something I didn't think I had completed was actually accomplished in the area of learning. There is still an uncertainty about it, but despite that, I was making plans for the post-winter semester time now that I have "enough credit".


I am meeting the Dream Oracle in a quest for knowledge and guidance.  She is helping me applying discernment and critical thinking to make the right decisions about Andalusia investment and what to do after completing the Vital course. Any guilt lingering in my psyche is only a matter of my expression of it. 

*The first image in this blog was generated by Dream.AI
