Medicine Moon Practice 5: The stars may align (Pair Series FF+M)

Dream Record:

I was in Budapest and there was a woman, who was staying with me. We went to a record shop. I couldn't find a record. Then when an old Hungarian friend of mine showed up, he picked out something he know I'd like, which he did.

I think we went with him to some family's house/flat. We gathered in the kitchen. I kissed them on both cheeks, as one does in Hungary. They explained the economic situation being dire. The woman who was staying with me was cutting a loaf of bread. As they were explaining the situation, she began cutting the bread into thinner slices

Then it shifted to her dating an actual old friend of mine, but it turned out he had been dating two other women while she was gone. She didn't know about it. Then I went into the room talking to him. He was laying on the bed in a dark room. For some reason I started touching him lightly, or trimming some things off his shirt. And then I ended up kissing him and it felt kind of scratchy, not so good. Then she came into the room and she noticed I smelled like his cologne or I was carrying a trace of him. I told her that when he explained to her that they weren't together really and he had been seeing other people, I asked him to make sure to tell her I wasn't the only one. I then went outside with this woman and looked up in the sky to see the stars moving across the sky quickly as UFOs do. It was just an observation that there was "movement in the sky."

Signature: Jennifer C. Clemente, March 27, 2023

Commentary: There was a lot of predictability in this dream. The record was something I knew I'd like. I engaged in a traditional greeting with Hungarians. UFOs were doing UFO things. But there was a twist. As the woman who left the relationship to find out her man was with two women in a dream a few nights ago, It's curious how this switched to me being one of the women who was "not to blame" for the guy's seeming infidelity. It's as if some perspective has changed on these matters, or one part now being subjected for the other. The woman slicing bread thinner was hugely symbolic. I'm also conscious of the role of records as I recently picked one randomly (John Stewart's "Dream Babies Go Hollywood"), then that was followed by getting an Akashic record reading. 

Initial Interpretation: The woman, who is emerging after being "away" as a more conscious part of myself, in the dream slicing the bread thinner is responding to external conditions/preparing perhaps. She's unaware of some other things that may impact her and is unaware of other parts of herself that are causing the situation at hand, but will be soon as things in the sky "move."

Conscious Concerns: A lot of things hanging int he balance currently. Waiting for information to know how things impact me the day I leave for LA. Trying to remain neutral: Holding space for a good outcome but with good personal boundaries. Also, feeling blameless and needing to separate myself from any entanglement. The dream ended with a feeling of neutral observation as things will be revealed. This appeared to be guidance.

Key Words and Symbols:

Budapest: Place of growth and trials. 

Women who is staying with me: A re-emerging but unaware part of self who need information.

Picking record: Akashic record, a history of soul vs. a record I picked randomly lately.

Old Hungarian friend: Somebody who knows my music taste.

Cutting a loaf into thinner parts: Preparing for hard times.

Two other women while she was gone: Two other shadowy parts of the self who are unfamiliar actors

Old friend: Self-knowledge, consciousness advisor.

Friend in a dark room: Secret, shadow self, unconscious side of self.

Trimming then kissing: Increasingly seductive behavior

Scratchy: Unpleasant consequence of wrong action

Trace of: Carrying energy

Wasn't the only one - Multiple selves in unconscious agreement

Outside with this woman - Unity, growing in conscious awareness with this other part.

Lights moving across the sky - Changes? Alignment? movement and observe

Application:  Preparing for unknown outcomes. Becoming aware of things I need to using a process of conscious yet neutral observation. Responding to a situation before it unfolds by acting frugally? Needing help choosing and discerning something of "record." 

Post-dream analysis: The dream oracle may have been telling me to watch the sky, for the stars could align for a positive outcome, which it did.

*All images in this blog generated by Dream.AI
