Cleaning up (Pair Series: MF)


Dream Record:

I was with a male and female couple in a Las Vegas hotel. They had spread out their multi-colored powdered drugs and larger balls on the floor, and I was choosing not to partake. Then I helped them clean the drugs off the floor so housekeeping wouldn't see it and take care of it.

Signature: Jennifer C. Clemente, April 11, 2023


This is a new twist to a series of dreams about "relating to women" in a "helping" capacity that shifts to relating to a "heterosexual couple." These relational dreams have shown up since the Spring Equinox. They appear to be the context of changing circumstances as I look for strategies to deepen my own autonomous self-hood and develop my own "authority." The core value is strength, which showed up in the first dream of this type (Amber for resilience)

These dreams overall show me that I need to develop confidence in staying conscious and aware to do the inner work effectively, or risk being blind-sighted by other parts or shadow characteristics that show up as being subservient to the masculine. However, much like Ganesha serves to help overcome obstacles, the pair serve to often trigger a reaction in me that reveals something deeper: a pattern, a strength, a weakness, an opportunity, a reassuring message.


Another theme that seems to present is how to help empower the female rise to a more powerful force of awareness that's in balance with the male aspect of leadership and authority. How does the feminine continue rise from a position of subjugation, or in competition with each other, to a place of co-creation and cooperation where all beings are valued? Many of the women in these dreams find themselves in difficult or compromised circumstances, mostly in relationship to men, who act irresponsibly and disrespectfully. Only in one dream was I in "danger" with a man, who wanted to kill me. My strategy was to go "unconscious" to defend myself. 

Initial Interpretation:

I'm acting with more autonomy in my decision making and making a more responsible choice in a matter. There's an element of "cleaning up" here or removing "what doesn't serve me."

Conscious Concerns:

It's Vital graduation and there's an interest in building a collective ecosystem to take root. This brings up how my relationship "fits' within this new value system as I struggle to relate to a partner who continues engages in lower-vibrational activity. Progress is being made, but is it enough? What role does this relationship have in the context of the Vital collective I'm now part of. Is it value-aligned and worth keeping?

From Tina Roderiguez's  The Christ Within—Ascension Sound Activation that showed up in my feed when I woke up: 

"The struggle of many higher frequency beings coming into this earth density, is being embraced by those operating in the lower density, the frequency of separation and fear. Because the frequency of love is the greatest, most transmutative/transformative force—it will move and shake anything that is not in accordance with it— and for many that is threatening, especially when having the intention of greed, power and control."

Dream Symbols and Key Phrases:

Male/female couple: Relating to a pair

Las Vegas: Reckless, gambled

Hotel: Temporary space

Colored, Powdered drugs: Unhealthy, illicit, lower vibration medicine, or conversely alchemical elements. 

Balls: Fully formed spheres. Energy encapsulated in potentiality/ fully formed in the material.

Floor: Base. Lower chakra, foundational, not ascended. 

Not partaking: Better choices

Helped: Taking action, autonomy

Clean: Remove, purify

Housekeeping: In charge of cleaning. Often throws things away without regard.

New Interpretation:

To clean up a situation in my life that's undesirable, I have to choose to take strong and deliberate actions on behalf of myself and the relationship. Letting other decide to "throw things away" isn't the message here. This could be a temporary situation, much like a hotel room stay.


Applying temporary, but assertive measures to clean up a situation impacting my relationship. Assert my non-negotiable stance on keeping low-vibrational activities out of my space before agreeing to moving to a more permanent living arrangement. 

I-Ching Reading:7 Collective Force requires correct persistence. "Be generous and accomodating in your personal relationship. Try to see your roles together in the context of all humanity. Hold together with your loved ones and attempt to overcome any difficulties with the gravity of your Collective Force. This is a fine time to broaden your ideals to encompass larger goals, the goals of all mankind. This will eventually strengthen your ability to call upon the Collective Force in dangerous times. Concurrently you will hear the call of this force as it grows, changes and informs. 

Changing line: When your aim is achieved, be certain to align your priorities to worthwhile values. Inferior persons and ideas should be assigned to their proper places. Do not give them a voice in your affairs. 

(Note: This reading suggests that there's aspects of the relationship that could serve the collective, but not until values are fully aligned with m/f gender roles in balance.)

*All images in this blog generated by Dream.AI
