Intention of Protection: Dreamwork is Teamwork

Dream Record

I was visiting two founders/ teachers / community leaders in a house one of them moved into. We were watching the night sky and noticed UFOs materializing in the air, then releasing humanoids into the water. I felt fear and was inching closer to one of them, assumedly for safety. Then the scene switched to one of them telling me there had been a dead body in the house when they first moved in. It may have been a child. I was a little confused by what was exactly happening so I called 911 to alert them, and they said they had already removed the body. 

Signature: Jennifer C. Clemente, April 15, 2023

Notes on this image: The left side image looks like a UFO. The eye below this resembles that of a fellow student whose energy  of courage I've been feeling strongly since our graduation last week. 

Commentary: I recall a "dead body" dream told to me by this person a few months ago, who in real life had recently changed living locations. I wondered how the removal of a "dead body"from his house that then appeared in my dream may relate to to a resolution he might be experiencing. So naturally, at first, I thought this dream had a message for him. While that may be true, the dream character must also be dealt as an aspects of myself and how the dead body relates to my "living" situation. 

Another clue from the field: While visiting a friend in Austin the next day and discussing this dream, I noticed an evil eye hanging on a crescent moon. She hadn't noticed in her house prior (since she had just moved into a furnished rental). Since it had caught my eye, we agreed it probably was for me. From there, I felt inspired to set forth an intention for protection during the new moon to crescent period. 

After that, I compelled to share this dream to person I had dreamed of, and the appearance of the crescent moon, evil eye decoration. They mentioned that coincidentally the evil eye had been appearing their field for the past year. I thanked him for co-creating awareness of this good luck talisman that appeared, seemingly for me to take note of.

Conscious Concerns:

During the day following the dream I was projecting fear and concern over driving around Austin on a day where traffic was thick and chaotic. I was particularly concerned about my partner's safety driving and put a protective spell around his auric field while we were in the car together.

Dream Symbols: 

Founders/Teachers/Leaders - Influencing current direction, holding space for new and emerging life paths.

House - Container of thoughts, process, inspiration, action

Watching night sky - Forseeing, noticing ahead of others, scanning for the unseen to materialize.

UFOs - Fear of the unknown 

Humanoids - Similar but more advanced with an unknown agenda

Dropping in water - Anticipating something that is strange, possibly threatening.

Inching closer - Being in close proximity to receive something or feel safe. 

Removing (child's) dead body - Getting rid of something old and "immature" that wasn't needed any longer. This presence of a dead body caused "fear and concern"

Me checking: Trying to help out an already resolved situation out of fear. 

911 - Help from an emergency team that indicates a removal was "already taken care of." 

New Interpretation:

With new ventures, life changes and path-paving naturally comes fear of the unknown and the change that could take place. How will I fare covering new ground? What happens if xyz? These approaching changes are unfamiliar, strange, foreign and possibly menacing. The source of fear is left over from a less mature aspect of the self, perhaps from childhood. It had been lingering in my new space rotting away. I can be somewhat assured these irrational fears and anxiety tendencies are being addressed swiftly and effectively, as they serve no purpose in my new life direction. Apparently, I needed that reminder. 

Thoughts on Team Dreaming:

We can use these dreaming states optimally to bridge awareness between various states of awareness, from dreaming to waking, from person to person we're doing similar work with. Ancient archetypes such as the Evil Eye play in nicely here, for they resonate with a deeper part of us, and reminds us that we're part of a continuum of beliefs that endure. Therefore, there a value in keep these traditions vital and reminding each other, even if through hanging an amulet in the house. 


There's safety in higher consciousness. Don't hold back from sharing dream material with others as appropriate. I'm compelled to generate protective screen saver amulets for friends. (Note to anybody reading, drop a line and request your own!).

Related Occurrences

Feeling a foreboding after the dream, I put a protective shield around my partner while in the car. About 24 hours later, he was sideswiped by a chunky truck. It could have been much worse, sending him veering uncontrolled into freeway traffic. Somehow, the bump was slight enough that the car was barely scratched  only need a little buffing.

This incident had me spooked. I questioned signing on for another year of hot mess theater and how I would be able to put up with it without some dire consequence to body, mind or finances. My inner 911 had wisely ordered a breathwork session the night prior and it was time to move energy. I was greeted almost ceremoniously by a montage of single eyes fluttering in sequence through my inner space in an act of sacred sight with the divine, reminding me that prayers are not only heard but also seen.

*All images in this blog generated by Dream.AI
