Medicine Moon Moon's Eve Witnessing Inanna

Dream Record: 
I was in a field. Part of it was light. Part of it was dark. I was stumbling around the dark part. I was with a group of people who had gathered in the field to look at the sky. They were clamoring about something so I went over and they had cameras and lights set up pointed at the sky. B., an old roommate from Montreal, was saying how she was too sensitive to be around these instruments but they had seen "Inanna" in the sky (they cited her name). They said it was a planet, which looked like a moon of sorts, almost like an eclipse. They were all excited about witnessing this phenomenon.

Signature: Jennifer C. Clemente, Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Commentary: This dream took place close to the new moon eclipse and the phases of the moon are associated with the goddess Inanna, namely the light and dark, or waxing and waning. This is the very period I practice intentional dreamwork with a group in a meet up called "Medicine Moon." In one Sumerian myth, Inanna descends into the underworld and is not seen for a time, just as the moon disappears during the new moon. When she eventually returns, it is like the new moon rising again, as it is at present. 

Initial interpretations: I'm sensitive to this phase of the moon and I'm excitedly anticipating (through the collective) how it will impact my dreamwork process. Now that she's revealed herself as the goddess of this moon phase, a dedication is in order!

Conscious concerns: Feeling my third eye and crown chakra open and receptive. Wondering if any means of achieving altered states should be limited to more gentle modalities such as breathwork . Waiting for signs of "movement" and finalizing travel plans. Feeling both danger (the coyote?) yet protection from harm. Noting that signs expressed through my dream body are centered around both eyes in the form of an alternating stye.

Key words/symbols:

Field: Consciousness
Light and dark: Phases of the moon
Dark part: Within the new moon phase
People pointing things out in the sky: Observing for changes, paying attention
Cameras and lights: Recording 
Berengere: Former roommate, associated with regular LSD
Too sensitive: Developing sensitivity to instruments of perception.
Planet and Moon: Inanna's association with both Venus and the Moon.
Excited: The primary emotion in the dream, after anticipatory.

I prompted Google Bard to interpret this dream of "Inanna on the new moon eclipse" shortly after receiving my experimental account. The LLM spit out three interpretations: A call to action to make a change, a message of hope during a difficult time and a sign of transformation.
"Inanna is a goddess of many faces, and she can help the dreamer embrace all sides of themselves, both light and dark."

Consider sensitivity when considering "instruments" for connecting with the moon, or reaching altered states. Embrace the changing phases of light and dark. Maintain balance or the magic in the middle, as Eden from Empathic Society would call it.

ChatGPT generated poem dedicated to Inanna on the new moon:

In twilight's gleam, the crescent moon,

We sing to Inanna, blessings strewn,

Her eight-pointed star lights the skies,

With lion's might, our dreams arise.

Goddess of dreams, celestial dance,

In lunar cradle, fate's advance,

Her radiant beacon, boundless high,

As we walk with lions, stars entwined.

Inanna, hear our prayer tonight,

Under new moon's tender light,

Bestow your blessings, ancient, pure,

As our dreams soar, steadfast and sure.

About Inanna:

The Sumerian goddess Inanna was closely associated with the moon. She was the daughter of the moon god Nanna and his consort Ningal, and she was often depicted with a crescent moon crown. Inanna was also associated with the phases of the moon, and her myths often reflect the changing phases of the moon. Inanna was also associated with the fertility of the land, and her myths often reflect the cycle of the seasons. For example, in one myth, Inanna is married to the god Dumuzi, who represents the vegetation of the land. When Dumuzi dies, the land becomes barren, just as the land becomes barren during the winter months. When Dumuzi is eventually resurrected, the land becomes fertile again, just as the land becomes fertile again during the spring months. The relationship between Inanna and the moon is a complex one, and it reflects the many different aspects of Inanna's character. She is a goddess of love, war, fertility, and death, and she is associated with both the light and the dark sides of life. The moon is a perfect symbol for Inanna, as it represents both the light and the dark, the waxing and the waning, the life and the death.

*All images in this blog generated by Dream.AI
