Medicine Moon Night #2: Yogic Intentions for Harnessing Cymatic Frequencies

Dream Record

I knew I needed to go to Yoga but I was sitting in this hot tub outside and I wondered why I hadn't been soaking in this tub before, doing hot water therapy, where I was also playing music and dancing to it. I was enjoying it but there was an interruption. There were all these hay bales and I kept seeing all these notes from somebody, assumedly a landlord, not to have straw near the water. I was trying to bring all these antique, ornate, champagne glasses from inside to outside. I was cleaning up from a party in a house where place B. and I shared. 

This woman came over and spent the night in his room. B. was living down stairs in a house (not with me) with items we had together, namely wooden statues that went together. I was in that room placing another wooden statue on the collection and noticed dark blue pajamas in a small woman's size, so I asked him "who was that woman who spent the night?" He said plainly, that's "first name, last name" (VM?) and she said that "Mat was magic." I felt like I had missed out on something. I said, "so who is she?" meaning, to you. He said "we've dated about five times and I really like her." He was looking sheepish and he was holding a pillow around his middle that looked like a large blue compress for the eye, or evil eye.

Signature: Jennifer C. Clemente, Friday, April 21


This dream came in the morning after I woke up super early knowing I had to go to a 9:00 yoga class and I hadn't remembered my dreams yet, so yoga was on my mind. Also, noting my reaction to my partner's confession was not anger, or surprise, but acknowledgement. 

Notes on gen AI imagery: Waters move from from stagnation and stillness almost through cymatics, or the use of sound frequencies, to create a toroidal field.

Initial Interpretation:

Having had so many "bad" dreams about B. that have no basis in reality, I finally surrendered to finally looking at how this this could relate to myself, but still had a lingering feeling that there was a relationship issue that needed addressing. The person representing B. in the dream wore expressions that were more like a "weak" person I dated in the past named "Matt."

Conscious Concerns:

I had missed yoga classes all week and was concerned about losing momentum and also feeling like I need to step up my commitment to my practice.  In yoga that morning, I felt "weak" on the mat and that I needed to power up my intention. 

Key Words/Symbols:

Yoga: Practice I'm on and off, with and not feeling strong "enough" with.

Hot Tub/Hot Water: Relaxing, recognizing a need for therapy.

Hay bales/straw: ?

Enjoying/Interruption: Something "official" getting my attention from my "me" time.

Champagne glasses: Antique, valuable, handed down from family.

Party: Feeling like I'm cleaning something up but not participating in.

Woman (VM): Same initials as my employer

Spent the night: Perhaps representing something in my dream life that's being "desired" or "encountered" as there were a pair of Pajamas discovered.

Five dates: Five encounters in dreams with this same representation of self?

Wooden statues: Things B and I share. Some representations of our relationship passed down from family: habits perhaps? 

Pillow covering stomach - Third chakra that was covered by something that looks like an evil eye, protection  from my angry reaction? Cushioning the blow of a realization? Self-protection against the evil eye I toss out at B. and the anxiety it gives me? 


There's a relationship issue that needs addressing and taking me away from my me-centric focus. I'm feeling the over familiarity of a LTR that's missing the magic, that needs some therapy of either that of a relaxing nature, or some shared celebration to re-connect around. 


I can participate in creating that for myself and my partner, but it requires some will and a better attitude than how I've been feeling. Doing the work on my yoga mat can act as a magic carpet of sorts (thanks, Desi!) to help power up my new moon intentions. 

Filtering into Consensus Reality:

After some processing of this interpretation, I came home to an email from a "Matt Love" at work who was helping with travel guidance for my agency.

*All images in this blog generated by Dream.AI
