Medicine Moon Practice 6: Defensive Syncope (Pair Series: FF+MF)

Dream Record:

Fragment 1:

I was talking with two women, one of whom was Rachel K., about an old friend from high school (Kerri McDermott) and that I wanted to see,  but I felt like she didn't acknowledge me or know me. These two women were very kind in this dream, but I only knew one of them.

Fragment 2:

I was in a car driving somewhere with a male partner. I thought I was driving but it turned out the car was driving itself and I was in the back, not actually driving. When I realized this, I moved up to the front of the car to get control of the wheel. I then noticed the features of this man. He appeared to be dark with strong chiseled features, but perhaps more of an amalgamation of past partners. I had this feeling he wanted to kill me. We were in China and when we arrived to the hotel, a woman appeared in the room almost like a witness. I pretended to feint, most likely to protect myself.

Fragment 3:

I was being held captive in this machine tunnel area. I finally got out and found KN and was telling her about it. Then I was at a work party. You could see me on the screen. I was really close up on the camera. Ex boyfriend JM was involved and there was a kidnapping thing around greasy machines. I was chasing something or bring chased in this underground maze situation by somebody. 

Initial Interpretation: What part of me doesn't want to acknowledge when I pretend to go unconscious to protect myself. What part of myself is appearing as the witnessing to this behavior now?

*All images in this blog generated by Dream.AI
