Under the Apple Tree Tonight: Working with Dream Material in Mediation

Dream Record:

B. and I were trying to occupy a space within a short viewing distance of an "apple" tree that was bearing wise, joyful faces. I wanted to "live" close to this tree, perhaps even under it. There was a platform there but no bed for us. There was a sense that we had missed an opportunity to live in this idyllic place, but there would be another one.


When I woke up, I was caught up in the visual novelty of the dream since I rarely have dreams that are that classically psychedelic. I hadn't realized the symbolic nature of the dream until today (April 13, 2023).

Signature: Jennifer C. Clemente. Late March, 2023

Meditation Journey: April 13, 2023

In Robert Moss's class, the Art of Dream Divination and Synchronicity, our meditation took us on a journey to Merlin's apple orchard to traverse a magical apple tree. In this vision, I was by myself, approaching the tree of apple-y faces that was featured in my dream. I was flying in and around the branches examining the faces. I understood these to be ancient elders offering collective wisdom for elevation of consciousness. I felt an energetic cleansing and upgrade being among these apple beings and was able to eat one of the fruits to imbibe some of the wisdom from myself.

Initial Interpretation: 

There's a longing to connect with ancient wisdom and community in a sustainable way that isn't able to be met within the current circumstances. I can see it and enjoy one level of understanding, much like the novelty of psychedelics, but I know there's a lot more going on. This could also relate to the way B. and I have approached psychedelics as a topic in the past.

Conscious Concerns:

An inability to find our ideal "spot"; a lack of journeying together; how to orient our relationship around sacred plant medicine together, if that's even possible. 

Greek mythology connection:

The so called Garden of the Hesperides belonged to the goddess Hera, in which there was a grove of apple trees that bore golden apples. The golden apples were believed to give immortality to anyone who consumed them. 

Key words and symbols:

Tree - Legacy, heritage and roots

Apple Faces - A collective of like minded beings that have knowledge to share.

Live close - longing to be in communion with

Platform but not bed - A place to stand and wait, but not occupy or relax into

Missed opportunity - Not the right time to be in communion, at least not together.

New Interpretation:

I'm taking opportunities to fully go a layer deeper into understanding wisdom traditions, and finding my place among this ecosystem of like minded-souls, rather than sitting on the sidelines. The other part trusted there would be another opportunity, that not all is lost. In meditation a couple of weeks later, another opportunity surfaced, suggesting another tool to work with significant dreams is always available. 


Using meditation, I can work with dreams to get more information and stay more engaged with the material. As a result of this combined dreamwork/meditation process, I came to awareness I'm feel committed to a life of conscious co-creation among all. I can sit in the realization that I'm part of a collective of interconnected beings both past, present and future. It feels that the time is always right to seek a place of higher wisdom and learning when committed to the inner work.

*All images in this blog generated by Dream.AI
