Medicine Moon Practice Dream 1: Self care is the new love language

Dream Record 

Fragment 1

I was trying to get to the campus of my alma mater to register for classes on the first day of the semester. However, I had kept this baby animal in this truck with a cab in the back and I had to go and make sure it was secured while I was in class. 

I went into the car and I was going to try to lock the animal up with a leash in the front part of the car. It was too dark and I wasn't able to click the lease to the lock. 

I realized it could run free safely in this contained space, so I had to make sure and hide all this Indian food I had stored in the front by covering it up with a tarp or a sheet. 

I was asking it if it would like to eat something. It was a white  animal, almost like a goat or a llama, or maybe a small horse, and I fed it a fresh piece of fruit, or maybe a Jicama. 

I said to the animal: "I love you." It then mouthed the words "I love you" back, as if it was trying to learn to speak. Then it gave me a kiss.

Commentary: I had been struggling to recall my dreams all week. This was the first one that I could capture and it came right at the end of my REM sleep.

Conscious Concerns: I had a recent conversation about coping with loss as a dog mom, recognizing the same nurturing pattern at play with live children as with animals. 

I had been at a family wedding this past weekend, where this b/w picture was taken. I had "caught" this unicorn which was used in place of the bouquet toss. The unicorn is symbolic of aspect of myself that are still in my imagination, and need love and nurturing to come into reality.

Dream Symbols

Campus: A new cycle or chapter starting

White baby animal: Worthy of nurturing, protection, careful feeding and mutual affection. 

Too dark: Not yet seen.

Inability to leash: No need to secure, yet need to contain.

Indian food: Too spicy and rich for how I need to be eating now.

Fresh fruit: Mild, alive food, more nutritious.

Learning to speak: Gaining awareness and functions.

New Interpretation:

A new aspect of myself emerging is needing careful nurturing, both emotionally and physically as an expression of love. It's not something that needs controlling or securing as much as reinforcement of positive emotions and good self-care. 


This time of my development needs delicate and mindful treatment, bringing in fresh foods and some amount of seclusion and containment, though not in a restrictive manner. This new aspect of myself is reminding me that I have the capacity of nurturing my own inner unicorn, and it's time to do so. 

Fragment 2:

Myself plus somebody else unknown were interviewing actors for a role we were casting. We were going through a room and were interviewing three women. They had short dark hair and brown or blue eyes.They looked similar but slightly different.

I was writing criterion for selection yet to be seen. They were looking at me trying to be vary charismatic. They were reading lines from a script, which I couldn't decipher. The plan was to go through one round, then break for lunch, and then we were going to narrow them down. They had very distinct looks and staring right at me trying to capture my attention with what ever they were saying.

Primary thoughts: Three new roles for myself needing clarity, all around the theme of nurturing/being more well-cared for.




Fragment 3:

A text popped up and it said, "hey jenn, how are you doing. I've been missing you." I knew it was from somebody I knew, but it says "dreams of us."

Signature: Jennifer C. Clemente 
