Medicine Moon Dream: Honoring Bes, the Protector of Sacred Dreaming


I was at a group healing retreat, which happened to be located on my undergrad college campus. In the center was a quad (as it was called), and this is where a healing retreat was taking place. The healer I was about to work with was a caucasian male with medium length brown hair in a page boy cut. He was wearing a shirt but no pants, which exposed a giant erect phallus. 

Needless to say, I was very uncomfortable, so I sought advice from two other female participants, who dismissed my concerns. Rather than stick around for my session, I fled on an electric bike and went on a ride around campus, which “didn’t look as I remembered”. It was incredibly palatial, ornate, yet super modern with the most elaborate design and accoutrements one could ever hope for. I feared I was getting lost. I didn’t know my way around this campus anymore and I knew I had to make my way back to the quad. I asked an authority at a stopping area on a bridge for help and he pointed me to one direction (to the northwest), which was just in time, as my battery was running low. I was still not confident I could find my way back but I was still trying as the dream faded.

SIGNATURE: Jennifer C. Clemente, September 18


This dream took place the first morning after practicing the 9 breaths and AH symbol of Tibetan Dream Yoga. 


The dream appeared to be very “psychedelic”, almost like I was in a mandala, or a 3-D, material representation of DMT-scape. It seemed to indicate me finding my way through this new kind realm induced by the practice, though being ignorant of the actual way through. Feeling fear and disgust of the male healer/deity was curious, and frustration about the ambivalence of the two women, felt like it demanded more exploration.


Healing retreat: Space dedicated toward doing work on self. A sacred zone.

Quad: A four-sided courtyard defined by a large lawn and surrounded by buildings, or a large muscle on the thigh.

College campus: Place of learning for advancing knowledge

Didn't look familiar: A new kind of learning environment to work on something I haven't touched on yet.

Male with phallus: A deity, which was identified by Egyptian mythology and dreamwork maven Sarah Janes as Bes, who wards off evil spirits, protecting dreamers during sleep, where they are most vulnerable. 

Two ambivalent women: Misalignment of perception of this characters's harmless vs. potentially harmful qualities.

Electric bike: Vehicle which can go fast, but has limits. 

Mandala-like Dreamscape Campus: Sacred space, journey to enlightenment, attempting to move toward clarity and enlightenment, integration of opposites, palace of deities.

Fleeing center and getting lost: Being stuck in fear, and wishing to move to clarity. Needing navigation and energy to continue.

Asking for direction: The main message to work on: asking for help!


Entering into new practices is giving me the space to confront deeply held fears, and gain new wisdom in the dream realm. Watching my 'energy' and 'emotions' feels important in this process, especially as cis-gendered men enter these sacred spaces I've been working with women in.


Seek guidance, practice around overcoming ignorance and fear as one obstacle to liberation. Keep practicing Dream Yoga. 


Stay curious and aware of surroundings. Watch for gender bias against men. Ask for directions on path to oneness. 

And become friends with Bes: Honor this deity milk and honey. 
