Solar Storm Dream: A Hummingbird Though the Magic Eye

Dream Record: An image of a black hummingbird emerged out of waves of solar activity heading straight to me. The words "magic eye" appeared in my mind, suggesting I had learned to see what was emerging, or coming through.


Jennifer C. Clemente (Saturday, May 11, 2024)

This was merely a quick flash of an image that appeared right before I woke up, indicating it was at the end of my sleep cycle. 

Initial Interpretation: 
Last night, B and I were flying through a solar storm and were looking at the magic eye images. I wasn't able to decipher any of them. When I told him about the dream this morning, he revealed that one of the magic eye images from last night's activity was indeed, a hummingbird. This may be telling me my internal "magic eye" is still working just fine, even if I can see the hidden 3-D images with my naked eye.

Conscious Concerns:
Putting too much focus on my external work life and not enough on my inner life. Wanting to "see" the aurora borealis that was visible through most of the U.S. this weekend because it's a once in a lifetime event.  Also thinking through my MA thesis project and wondering what I'm going to focus on! It could be creating a hummingbird meditation as a component of dreamwork.

Key Words and Symbols:
Hummingbird - Transformation and renewal, a need to get re-focused on the heart. Resilience and energy needed for this next phase, getting illumination and clarity, feeling passion and vitality to re-focus on dreamwork.
Magic eye - Developing internal sight or a perspective.
Solar flare - Activiation, intense energy burst.

My inner sight is activated and is helping me build energy to re-enter my dreamwork project. Getting insight into my passion project is encouraging me to pursue what brings me joy and fulfillment.

Stay connected to the energy behind this dream and start being open to more dream symbols and synchronicities. Start practicing the meditation to re-build that inner muscle. 
