Integration Dream 2: Adelaide

Dream Record:

I was on a plane. The plane detoured and went to the coast of Australia to Adelaide. 

The pilot was saying that instead of Adelaide, I need to go to some remote island off the coast. There was a planning of an itinerary, that I needed to go somewhere else in that area to some island. The word Adelaide kept coming up. 

We were walking around the hanger and it was very dry at first in the environment outside of it. I was saying it was the driest place I've ever seen. Suddenly the trees became green and I could feel a mist coming off of them. I could see all this art people were making, like community workshop with what it looked to be national banners of yellow and red, like an Aboriginal flag. Then I had to swim out to meet the plane where it was going to take off to go to West Africa. I was still feeling wet and there was a guy on the plane who was very short and I was treating him like a child, grabbing his shoulders. I got a plate of food. I grabbed a lot of it and I was trying to eat less of it but I probably grabbed more food than I should have. 

Jennifer C. Clemente

Monday, January 30, 2023


Adelaide kept coming up as a word, which made me curious about its meaning. I had the distinct feeling of being wet from the swim. I also recall having had elements of this dream before, distinctly around traveling to places I haven't been before, and having a lot of detours and changing planes.

Initial Interpretation: 

This dream feels instructional about directions and itineraries, maybe observing noble silence during this period of isolation during integration time. When I think of planes, I think about dimensional planes and needing to change directions/itineraries but being mindful and patient with myself as I "travel."


Conscious Concerns:

I'm currently in isolation, barely even using my voice while I'm alone here at home for four days. My lease is coming up and there are conversations about where to live and work anywhere in the world. My feelings about community and belonging became present during the experiential retreat. Also, shifting from a workshop dealing with non-ordinary state of consciousness to a different plane where I work 9-5 in a technology role. How do I navigate from one space to the next? Being more mindful about treatment of others and the less "grown" parts of myself as I traverse back into the real world.


Key Words and Symbols:

Plane: Dimension, plane where one travels in the element of air.

Detour: A stop on the way to rest.

Adelaide: South, nice place to live, literally means of nobility. Land of the Kaurna people.

Swim in water: Go into the unconscious realm, but only a short distance.

West Africa: Far flung destination with cultural diversity and rich history.

Pilot: One that guides and gives instructions

Remote island: Isolation, silence, contemplation.

Hanger: Waiting place one hangs out in suspense

Dry to wet environment: Quickly changing, drastically different. Hopeless to hopeful.

Aboriginal flag: Designed in 1970. Connecting to the ancient community of dreamers who came up with some of the first ideas of dreaming. 

    • The black symbolises Aboriginal people.
    • The yellow represents the sun, the constant re-newer of life.
    • Red depicts the earth and peoples' relationship to the land. It also represents ochre, which is used by Aboriginal people in ceremonies.

Short guy: Not yet matured. Vulnerable.

Treating like child, shaking shoulders: Disrespecting. Scolding.

Grabbing food: Taking without thinking. 

Too much on plate and trying to eat less: Being mindful, being careful. 


There's a yearning and a searching for a place of richness and diversity to call home or to be part of a community, and part of something, but I'm being guided to isolate in noble silence during this time that's ever changing. There's some effort that needs to be made be aware of how I treat myself and others, how I conduct myself in a group, being mindful of not taking on too much. Connecting to ancient practices of dreaming?


Follow directions to sitting in noble silence. Be patient with yourself and others, and mindful     of your needs. A situation is changing quickly. Don't put too much on your plate as you integrate back into this plane.

*All images in this blog generated by Dream.AI
