Dream One: Toward February's Full Snow Moon


Fragment 1:

I decided to make an album to express something personal. I was in the RV and living with ["name of ex-husband"], but somehow I consulted with ["name of local record label owner"] on an instrument to use and he said "Win Amp." I didn't realize I had it but ex-husband confirmed I did. I felt excited and confident to make music again after a long time..

I was looking at the track on the screen and was recalling or refining a production technique of creating dynamic range, controlling the peaks and valleys of sound. I moved the EQ line up and down, clicking to mark the peaks. I had the feeling of finally learning to do something I hadn't been able to figure out before. 

In the RV was a small fridge. I opened it and saw some sausage that was quickly expiring. ["Name of boyfriend"] was lightly chastising me for investing in all this meat and letting it go bad. I could see that there was a 30 day expiration date.

Fragment 2:

It was February and there was ice and snow outside. I went into a store and asked to go downstairs where I wanted to try on clothing. I took off my clothes and realized I was naked in public so grabbed something from the rack to cover myself. It appeared to be a Jaguar, or some other large cat print. 

SIGNED: Jennifer C. Clemente, January 28, 2023


The main emotion of this dream seems to be about having agency and self-fulfillment, feeling satisfied with some degree of learning or finally figuring something out, doing something creative for myself, although there was some amount of concern about letting something go unused. There appears to be a time stamp on an opportunity and motivation to harness new energy to create.


I've returned from almost a week away on my Vital program experiential retreat, feeling the fresh enthusiasm of the new moon, new learnings about medicine and Somatics, energy and dreamwork. I'm excited about a creative endeavor and I'm refining my plans and choices as part of this process. Noting that an unexpected but somewhat welcome change came to my body in that my menstrual cycle re-appeared after three months to align with this lunar cycle that started on January 22, 2023.

I'm also considering trying a mainly fruit-based diet and had accidentally eaten sausage yesterday which didn't feel good in my body. I found myself thinking about diet changes today, though not yet acting on them. Also listening to a collection of old mixes, recalling the motivations, peaks and valleys of that time as a DJ and music maker. 

There is a house hunting trip in Spain coming up in February to prepare for, which feels exciting and full of big hopes. Noting that February's full moon is the Snow Moon, representing change, hope, creativity and growth.


Sun and Moon representing new and full moon: Full moon on Feb 5th in the sign of Leo, represented by the Sun in the first position of my tarot reading. New moon on Feb. 20th is in the sign of Pisces, my rising sign. Aligns with dreams, intuition, psychic ability, creativity and career recognition.




Album : Recorded, permanent, collectible, stored

RV: Container, home, music studio, something that wears out, something from the past, nostalgia, where old relationships were nurtured, something I don't need or use.

Record Label Owner Character: Knows what instruments to use; keeps the recordings of things.

Winamp: Empowering, listening, connecting, instrument, symbol of a lightening bolt. Literally, "winning and amplifying" abundance or energy.

 See corporate logo: 

Screen: Something I can consciously see, mediation

Dynamic Range: Frequencies, changes over distances.

Moved: Took control of, having agency, learning by doing

Peaks and Valleys: Bringing things in and out of awareness, coming and going

EQ: Equalizing, equilibrium, bring things into balance.

Learning: Grasping, getting it finally, completion.

Small Fridge: Cold, contained, stored, where food is kept, stomach

Meat: Sustinance, value, protein.

Expiring: Going bad, becoming unusable, letting it go to waste. 

30 day: Within this moon cycle


February: Time specific

Snow and ice: Elements, preparation, cycle

Store: Place of abundance, choices, protection

Downstairs: The lower chakras, lower part of the body

Took off clothing: Becoming exposed, changing, seeking something new

Realizing I am naked: The growing awareness of a state of newness and fragility. Things haven't settled yet. 

Trying on: Preparing, adopting, outfitting 

Animal print (Jaguar): Positive, sexual energy, instincts, boldness.


I am revisiting old interests, ways of choosing and learning, finding new ways to use old tools to create something new. There are also new ideas emerging: Seeds planted during the new moon that need to be nurtured during this lunar cycle. They are bold and courageous. 

There could also be an element of working with frequencies within my own energy body in a more conscious and controlled way, using tools I forgot I had or didn't have a firm grasp on in the past. The urge I have is to accelerate and amplify the learning to create something of "record."

The RV could represent the body, or physical plane, where the mind and body are contained. Here, the older aspects of the male expression of self, represented by the ex-husband are present in the same space as my partner, but not at the same time. The aspect of my "critical/witness" self represented by him asked why I invested in this "vital" food stuff that was meant for "nourishment" if I wasn't going to use it. There's an aspect of me that may be critical of having invested in the Vital program (or the retreat) and not being able to use it or apply it, (ie: letting it go to waste), because I don't know how to "consume" it to the point it becomes "usable/useful" material. 

Another perspective which is really part of the inquiry process is: "How do I amplify the wins, or gains I feel like I've just made from this retreat so it doesn't go to waste?" What is critical to do for self-care during this period? How do I nurture these ideas into fruition within this 30 day window while the energy is still fresh?

I'm still in a fresh phase where new ideas are settling in. There's a lot of raw, primal energy operating on the creative level that I could try on during the month of February (during the full moon days?) and there appears to be support for some of the significant changes I'm considering. Note the Jaguar came up in a dream on 1.25.2023, the night before my Vital journey day in Jamaica.

*All images in this blog generated by Dream.AI
