Medicine Moon Practice Day 1: The Resilience of Amber (FF+M)

New Moon Intention: To walk through the door to a higher vibrational reality and bring something back that will aid the collective.

Dream Record:

Fragment 1 - 

I was visiting two women (in their early 20s?) who appeared to be occupying the hallway lobby of a dormitory in between two places. They had these two round beds that looked like clouds or galaxies. They had a marajuana and I was hesitating about buying and smoking, so they recommended an Amber tincture. A man appeared asking which auxiliary piece for this tincture bottle and I was left feeling uncertain about what I needed to injest it (was it for consuming like a tincture, or smoking like a vape). The last scene of this dream featured the two beds in space that looked like twin galaxies. 

Fragment 2 - 

I was in a home and a woman friend came to visit (she's a president of a bank) and I was brushing my teeth the whole time, feeling self-conscious. I had just turned my hair red and I was observing that it was unbrushed and somewhat wavy, though not like normal. Another woman friend appeared (who is the partner in a VC firm) had just cut all her hair into a bob, styled with lots of hair gel. It was too extreme and didn't look good. She was inviting me to go on a hike, which I was reluctant to go on, but agreed to anyway. She was then pointing to her stomach indicating she was pregnant. I wasn't sure if that's what she was telling me so she showed me her belly, which seemed to indicate she was at about six months along, with three months to term. I was hugging her almost in condolence and invited another woman, who was Chinese, go hug her as well. It didn't feel like a happy occasion.

Signed: Jennifer C. Clemente, Wednesday, March 22, 2022


These two dreams appear to be related, though in reverse sequence. 

Initial Interpretation: 

I'm aware of changes coming, for myself and others, possibly in the realm of finances, the economy, the banking system, available funds, ect. I have pervasive feelings of uncertainty that are trending toward the negative. Confidence needs bolstering and there appears to be a need to provide assurances. 

Conscious Concerns:

Banking crisis, financial doom and gloom, checking to see if investments are "safe", tech industry layoffs, changes in general that could impact my financial well-being. Being asked to generate a question for leadership to answer during company meeting.

Key words and symbols:

Friend 1 - A very intuitive, intelligent  Scorpio, who is the president of the bank.

Friend 2 - Another intuitive, intelligent Scorpio, who is the partner in a VC firm. 

Feeling self-conscious and uncertain, not being sure  - Primary feeling expressed in dream

Red hair - Often regrettable choice

Short cut hair - Often regrettable choice

Six months pregnant - Something that will come to term in three months/or six months (June 20 when the Sun leaves Gemini, or end of September, when Sun leaves Virgo).

Two women - Second time they've appeared in a dream this week. They appear to be the servants of some other power. There's always a male around them who emerges at the end as the authority.

Living in a dormitory hallway in between: Interdimensional, between two planes.

Twin galaxies - Reminds me of the twin Ganeshas generated from the Dream Womb after last night's Akashic Records reading and yoga class. 

Amber - Enhancing immunity and resilience. Helps overcome fear and uncertainty. This article claims that amber smoke was also used medicinally. 

Interesting facts about Amber's medicinal usages, primarily as an adaptogen. Note, there was a belief that amber smoke strengthens the spirit, promoting courage.

Photo captured by the Gemini Observatory, Hilo, HI  

Takeaway: This dream appears to be picking up on the collective's uncertainty about the economy and the need to bolster our resilience to weather the storm over the next three months. I like to imagine the information about amber resin strength-giving properties could have been sourced from the two women from the twin galaxies (another dimension/higher vibrational reality). Upon waking, I connected with one of the women in the dream who is inspired to create an identity that brings together her own dreamwork practices with her VC work. We joked about her banishing the specter of economic doom and gloom through her own therapeutic creative writing practices. 

Upon being prompted by management to generate three questions for upcoming company meeting, I came up with a question inspired by the dream: What strategies do you use to build your own internal resilience during this time? Would love to hear about a course, workshop, or retreat you took, or even a favorite app, podcast or practice that has helped. 

*Unless stated, all images in this blog generated by Dream.AI
