Gator Bites (Plus, meeting James Spader)

Dream Record: I found myself sitting down to a meal of alligator steak with the two founders of my psychedelic therapy program. I was only able to take a couple of small bites. This dream quickly morphed into an encounter with a younger version of James Spader, who seemed quick to want to court me, before scurrying behind the register of a Whole Foods where I could observe his behavior.

Jennifer C. Clemente

Initial Interpretation: Feeing somewhat shocked at recent behavior and or encountering new aspects of my personality.

Conscious Concerns: It was my first night taking the Wings of Morpheus compound, and was anticipating more vivid than usual dreams. I had also eaten some chicken that night, which I rarely do. 

Upon further research on Alligator news, I learned that they're extending their range from the US south to the midwest, following the retreating frost line into Arkansas an Tennessee. As follows, there has been an increase of Alligator attacks on humans and dogs.

Key words:
Psychedelic Therapy Course Founders - Learning
Dinner - Formal, sit down meal
Alligator meat - Confronting something unusual, in the shadows, now coming forward
Bites - Absorbing, taking in
James Spader - Eccentric, quirky, extrovert
Whole Foods - Value, health oriented
Observing - Taking time, not acting
Behind cash register - Humbling activity

Having felt more tapped into my aggressive, extrovert, nature and a need to direct it profitably, I sense this dream is showing me how to mindfully work with this energy using p-therapeutic models, shadow work.

Gentle explorations into bringing forth a more bold version of self requires taking time and observation. 
