New Moon and Mercury Retrograde's End: It's All Yellow


Dream record

In this particular fragment, I was in between travels and needed to go back to Las Vegas, where I had actually been in late August. I was trying to decide what clothes to pack, and which to leave behind. Then, a woman asked me to empty the fridge, but to either "leave" or "not take" the mustard. 

Signature: Jennifer C. Clemente, Thursday, September 14


I was feeling rushed to make a decision and switch things out so I could go on a trip, but there was a good deal of back and forth and confusion. The rest of the dream contained elements of other recent travels too, including a trip to Montana, where I was regrettably drinking a Heffeweisen beer, my brother changing plans, and a cousin, including one who had an accident and lost grip of the side of a car. I later saw her limping.In the dream I had a premonition about the accident.

Initial interpretations:

There is an air of concern about travel plans, poor planning, making regrettable decisions, and witnessing accidents, all which felt like major aspects of Mercury retrograde, which is now ending. Also noting I often have dreams about forseeing a future event that takes place in the dream. Given my acute symptom, I thought the appearance of mustard might have shown up as a remedy for inflammation and pain.

Conscious concerns:

Waiting in uncomfortable limbo for big decisions to be made at work, trying to make travel plans but hesitating until clarity is reached. Also experiencing an acute sinus/ENT symptom, which has moved from the right to left side, indicating too much heat and inflammation in the body, largely due to a lot of travel activity.

Key words/symbols:

Travel - Effort in planning

Going back to Las Vegas - Returning (retrograde reference). Also excesses and drinking alcohol with work colleagues.

Pack and and repacking - Another retrograde reference

Fridge - Cold (Does your body run cold, the acupuncturist asked)?

Mustard- Hot (A part of the body that's generating heat?), also flavorful.

Yellow - Slow down a bit.

Heffeweisen in a fancy bottle - Something that "seems" okay to consume but I'm having second thoughts about.

Cousin - A younger aspect of the feminine I'm "related" to.

Hanging on side of car - Acting reckless

Premonition - Knowing but letting fate take over, rather than warning.

Accident/ Limping - The necessity of slowing down, facing consequences.


This dream appears to concern a review of decisions made while traveling and their impact on the body, all of which I knew would have an eventual impact but chose to ignore. I'm considering what habits, and identities I need to carry forward vs what is no longer needed. My current ailment reflects heat in the body, as reflected by the jar of mustard in the cold fridge which remains. I was told not to take it, meaning, not to take a mustard-based remedy. This at least, was the confirmation I received from my acupuncturist this a.m. when we reviewed the dream. 

New Moon Application: 

Reflecting and adjusting habits: I strive to get back to healthy habits and plan ahead when I travel next time, so I'm able to maintain my wellbeing, because I could have forseen what would happen. 

Be daring: Yellow is unconventional and bright, but it also reminds one to slow down and be alert to make better choices in what I consume, or what I'm putting forth.

Maintain momentum: With Mercury out of retrograde, the typical challenges reflected in all the dream fragments will likely subside and communication will be more clear. This was apparent by the interpretation of "mustard" quickly becoming clarified today by my acupuncturist, from something I thought I should consume, to something symbolically representing my condition. 
