Virgo New Moon Dream: Test the Waters and Consider a Higher Perspective


I was on a slightly wobbly, but mostly smooth flight, and emerged in what appeared to be Paris, somewhat groggy from a sleep aid I had ingested. 

I quickly arrived at my lodging, which appeared at first to be a formal hotel, but then appeared to be more like an Air B&B. There was a front, more formal room, and a back room, which was a French woman's studio. 

The first thing I did was secured my key, ensuring it was in the right pocket. There wasn't much lighting for writing what I needed to, which was to record name and address to ensure I could get back safely once I left to go exploring. I was struggling to find a desk with a working light. I did find one, and I double checked I had the key, and then found a piece of paper upon which was written the name and address (Chateau something). I was slowly getting ready to go out, fussing with socks and shoes. and I noticed the occupant's items and furnishings in the back room: A speaker, and pieces of a very French wardrobe hanging on the walls (not in a closet) for display. 

Then, my boyfriend shows up, apparently part of the itinerary, I was relieved about, as I wasn't feeling secure and safe traveling alone. I pointed out the miraculous view: Mt Olympus to the south and strangely, the Mediterranean sea to the north. I realized it was not far off, in fact, we were very close to its edge, which was dotted by apartment buildings. We were excited to catch the beach strewn sunset, and I was elated I wasn't going to be venturing out alone.

We made two attempts to try to find a perfect beach front, as the apartments were all lined up on the coast. We felt like we had to walk through somebody else's apartment to get there, and we got caught by the owner/occupant, who walked in as we were leaving, but it was okay. No mind!

The spot we found along the beach to watch the sunset wasn't the best, as it was somewhat obscured by its corner location. The beachfront was also very short. I did test the waters, and well, it was strangely warm, maybe too warm: a remnant of the summer's heat dome, and a reminder about global warming.

We went back to try another route. In the midst of this we ended up at the home/or office of an old friend of mine from San Francisco, a British-Pakistani national, who I recall was a talented coder and Burning Man artist, though she struggled with RSI. She didn't recognize me until I let my hair down. She told us she lived at the top of a hill in Paris, overlooking the Mediterranean. I found myself a bit envious.

A rainstorm became an obstacle to getting to the beach, and by the time we went out again, it was getting dark, but it didn't seem to be a concern at that point.

Then, the dream switched to me ending up (alone) in an artistic community, a playground mostly for electronic sound artists. It was named similarly to the Grey Zone in San Francisco, and I recognized several DJ names and was trying to recite those I knew. I was welcomed there as a familiar member of the community, and I was excited to get my hands on some sound recording accoutrements to make music with.

SIGNATURE: Jennifer C. Clemente


A big theme here is occupying others spaces. There was reassurance throughout the dream and perhaps rewards for taking risks in the name of adventure and artistic exploration, but priorities shifting. A combination of Paris on the Mediterranean with the stunning Mt. Olympus in the background sounds like an ideal place, though there were obstacles to achieving the perfect view. 


There are parts of me I am looking to "occupy" or "revisit" that are both familiar and ideal, those that I associated with my life in San Francisco  (2000-2008), which were consumed with music, art and nature. The attempts to get to the sunset by wandering through others homes seems to be indicative of running into obstacles and multiple attempts to get to an idealized experience. The conclusion of it not having been a major letdown is ambiguous.


Hoping to gain a spot on a work trip to Spain, which would afford a trip to Paris, with a plan to spend time on the Mediterranean. I was also considering a side trip to Athens, though that may not be as feasible. A recent trip to San Francisco brought me back in touch with some elements of my former community, something I am curious about reliving, though I'm aware such an ideal may not be attainable. I am concerned about doing things in the right order in the right way to manifest the right scenario. Planning carefully feels essential.


Wobbly flight - Entering the dream space with a slightly groggy energy from the day's activities, not fully conscious in the dream?

Paris - Nostalgia, revisiting, potential travel

Mediterranean - My ancestral origins (cultural ancestry, a feeling of where I belong). It could be representative of a place I "hoped" to live, or at least visit, but is now less likely due to climate change.

Mt. Olympus - Zone of power, rich in biodiversity. Home of the gods.

Air B&B - Occupying somebody else's space

Securing key - Protecting, securing

Right pocket - Doing things the right way, making sure things are done correctly. Right part of the body? Protecting or securing organs on this side? Liver/gallbladder . Second chakra. Femme fatale energy?

Not enough light for writing - Seeking illumination, information, a place to focus information.

Name of place and address - Fully knowing where I am going

Front room/ back room - Formal (where business is conducted) and more inner world of  feminine identity I occupy. Primary and secondary consciousness.

French wardrobe on display and speaker - Amplification of egoic attributes/ identity? Creative impulse. 

Slowly getting ready - Taking time.

Boyfriend part of the itinerary - Male aspect, putting things into action, venturing forth. Reminder of partnership, traveling with another, not just solo.

Sunset - The pinnacle, the finale, the end idealized goal.

Attempts to get to the sunset - Imperfect routes, testing the waters, making several attempts, missing the opportunity because of obstacles. Trials and errors. Facing disappointments with neutrality.

Friend: Adaptive, balancing work and artistic pursuits.

Didn't recognize me until I put my hair down: Being seen clearly and recognized in a "relaxed" or "loosened" state of mind.

Envious of living at the top of a hill overlooking the Med: A better perspective on things.

The Grey Zone - A place of neutrality, but possibility. Noting the enthusiasm for music creation. 


The context for travel is an "official" business trip, and that's the primary process, though the unconscious motivation for travel is occupied by a secondary process: a feminine, egoic part of me that is reliving the past, or an idealized view of the future I'm trying to manifest, but am struggling to due to job uncertainty and climate concerns.

Amid the uncertainty, I'm warned to be cautious about expectations as conditions may not be right, and to gain a higher perspective to both grapple with disappointments and adapt to new conditions: Test the waters, try new routes, consult with others, consider new options, gain a higher perspective (move to higher ground?). 


Reflect and adjust: Look at the situation from an external point of view (the state of the world), and honestly look at my internal motivations, or what my subconscious is trying to show me about my need to travel and why. 

Be daring: Keep reworking the vision and test the waters.

Maintain momentum: Consider other strategies, opinions, perspectives to rework a scenario to my advantage. 

Refocus attention. Gain a higher perspective through practicing Tibetan dream yoga, and literally hiking a mountain.
